Connection for voltage buffers at LGB decoder

Connection at LGB 55021

here we will show some connectivity options for several LGB Decoder.
The following must be observed:

  • You should have soldering skill and experience.
  • Disable analogue mode in the decoder.

You can solder the cables at bottomside to the corresponding pins.
For damage caused by improper treatment, we assume no liability.

Connection at LGB OnBoard Big


Connection at LGB OnBoard small


Connection at LGB 55034

Connection diagram for LGB 55034.
Solder the white and black cable to the big resistor on PCB

Connection at LGB 55027

Connection diagram for LGB-55027.
You can program this decoder for a voltage buffer at F5. Please program value 31 in CV 118.
If you won’t do that, you can plug the white cable with a switch to the black one.

Connection in Anteater


Connection in rail cleaning locomotive with OnBoard decoder
