
Infrared: Block signal mode

Description of the Block signal mode with our IR System. You need additional Track Contacts and a Feedback module. Input A set the signals to red, input B set the signal to green. The last contact (4) has a special function. He releases the block signal again. If your block signal layout is a circle, you can remove the last contact. Therefore you have to connect 1A with 3B….

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RC Receiver does not work

Sometimes the elimination of radio problems can be very easy. The cause is sometimes “animal nature” as you can see in the picture. Here ants have disturbed the Massoth Bus by being run through the contacts. The voltage meant Unfortunately for the ants to death. Since the ants are still at the contacts, thereby the signal is still disturbed. After cleaning the contacts, everything should work again.

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Identification of the decoder

Identification of the decoder when installed Often you have the problem with a hand purchased loco, not knowing what decoder is installed. There is some advice on how to get information about it. As an example using our navigator in CV reading mode You can identify the manufacturer in CV 8. Based on the value you can then assign the manufacturer. Below is a list of the most common…

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Definition of Switching Outputs

Here we would like to briefly explain what reinforced and unreinforced switching outputs of our decoders are. Below is a drawing that explains how the outputs work (As an example with a XLS): A reinforced output is connected between + 22V and the switching output. If the switching output is turned off, there is +22V output, therefore is no potential difference is and no current flows. If the switching…

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Uncoupler connected to LGB Onboard Big

Attached you can find the connection diagram of the big LGB Onboard Decoder. Uncoupler 1 will be connected normally. Uncoupler 2 cut off the plug and connect red to + F2 brown to – F2 black to black of decoupler 1 You have to decide whether you want to dispense with the smoke unit. Programming: CV49=32 CV56=32 CV51= 1-8 (Desired button F1) CV57= 1-8 (Desired button F2) LGB-ZD-3A-komplett.pdf

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Connection for voltage buffers at LGB decoder

Connection at LGB 55021 here we will show some connectivity options for several LGB Decoder. The following must be observed: You should have soldering skill and experience. Disable analogue mode in the decoder. You can solder the cables at bottomside to the corresponding pins. For damage caused by improper treatment, we assume no liability. Connection at LGB OnBoard Big Connection at LGB OnBoard small Connection at LGB 55034 Connection diagram for LGB 55034….

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Connect gearbox correctly

To protect against irritations regarding the correct connection of the gearbox to our electronics, here is a description about. Important supplement! The indicated cable colors may differ from the print on the gearbox! On some locomotives the gearboxes are installed 180 ° rotated. With Piko are completely different colors and assignments. Digital, the polarity on the track has an effect, but this can be changed by CV. So if you…

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Changes in Sounddecoder from V3.5

Ergänzung zur Firmware Version V3.5 Pulse simulation: The control of the pulse simulation has been fundamentally changed. The following CV’s now have the function described: CV 195 = Steam chuff per wheel rotation CV 196 = Clock setting on slow speed CV 197 = Clock setting on high speed You have following choices in CV 195: 1 = 4 Steam chuffs per wheel rotation 2 = 2 Steam chuffs per…

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