available again, MST Update & Hotline

In the past weeks and months there were major technical changes in the area of the web and FTP servers. These reconstruction measures could finally be completed last week, the website of Massoth Elektronik GmbH is again available at the known address In any case it is recommended to empty the browser cache to avoid temporary loading errors. For the coming days and weeks, further updates and changes are planned on the website. Among other things, an update of the Massoth Service Tools will follow in the next few days. Other new product announcements are also planned for the coming weeks. By the way, the relocation of the update server for the Massoth Service Tool could already be carried out last year without any technical difficulties. From this week on, the telephone hotline will also start again at the usual times, Tuesdays from 13:00 to 15:00 and Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:00.