8172510 ITC/IR Receiver (3/Pack)


IR receiver for installation in the locomotive


Availability: Available Availability: Available

SKU: 8172510 Category:


The “Intermittent Train Control” (ITC) operates the modern railway system nowadays. It monitors and controls the railway system with position relevant information which is send from the track into the passing trains. For example and among other things it monitors whether a “STOP” signal has not been exceeded. Precisely this tried and tested principle has been adopted by Massoth with the innovative DiMAX-ITC/IR control system for the garden track area and therefore sends relevant data with only three components (requires Decoders with SUSI-BIDI functionality) by means of an infrared command from the track to the locomotives. In this case, not only train-controlled functions are executed on the system, but real position-related commands are transmitted to the train. Enjoy the automatic train halt before a red signal and the automatic start of the train at the green light, train group-related function commands, automatic triggering of sound, pulsed smoke and other decoder features as well as many other functions. Finally complicated cabling or disconnections in the track are a problem of the past, as well as the installation of bus and feedback contact cables to the PC control system. DiMAX ITC/IR offers the ambitious garden railroader many functions, such as:

  • switching signals and related train control
  • braking and stopping without modules Even more features are in preperation:
  • position detection of the locomotive and feedback without track contacts, feedback modules
  • triggering all kinds of sound functions without track magnets and reed contacts
  • Feedback procedures (z.B. RailCom oder MfX) can be integrated

The components do not require additional wiring, track power is sufficient for operation. The infrared signal is constantly transmitted from the Signal Decoder in the track to the Receiver in the above passing train. For example, the ITC/IR system is able to trigger functions (light, steam, etc. on / off) or an automatic action such as ringing before a railway crossing, but also a time-controlled station content. The data to be transmitted with ITC/IR can also be influenced by a digital command on the track, for example, when the Navigator is used to set a signal to “red” and the passing train receives the signal to stop at the red light. The ITC/IR system components are available in several combinations.

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